Prayer List

Family of Uncle Kerry Back, brother-in-law of Pat Hammond

Nancy Barth

Eileen Cameron

Rosemary Charlton

Carmella Childs

Warren Farrington

Mary Beth Felice

Carol Flewelling

Doris Hill

Barbara Holscher

Mark Johnson

Pastor George and wife Margaret Klohck

Linda Goodale Manser

Elijah Markoditz

Kylar McGrath

Debby Patterson

Matthew Robbins, friend of Pat Hammond

We pray for all of God’s Children who are in need of peace, comfort, and love

In Military Service

*If you know of someone that you would like added, or who may be removed from our Prayer or Military Service lists, please contact Dianne Luci, 518-765-4536, or the Church Office, 518-765-2895. Thank you